Friday, September 25, 2009

tiger tattoo designs

The tattoos having beautiful designs express different symbols. While the bamboo stands for durability because of its strength, clouds goes with the symbols of long life, power as well as wealth.

Some ethnic Chinese people wear tattoos in some purposes. The Dai and the Drung minorities mark their skin with tattoos that is inherited from their forefather. Women reside in Drung ethnic minority make tattoos on their appearances. Earlier girls reaching at the age of around 13 were drawn tattoos as a sign of maturity.

Once (around 350 years ago) Drung people were very helpless especially when they were assaulted by other tribal groups. And even the enemies captured Drung women as slaves. As a result they drew tattoos on their faces with a view to making themselves less charming. Thus women tried to save themselves from sexual torture. In recent times, the scenario has changed completely. There are no threatens on Drung women from other groups. However, they have been continuing the tattooing custom that has turned to be an icon of maturity in Drung culture.

Likewise, Dai men wear tattoos on their muscles while women on the back of arm, hand and between the eyebrows. Most of the people in Dai community prefer dragon or tiger tattoo designs drawn usually in black. Wearing black design tattoo, there is also a very interesting story. It is heard that many years ago, Dai people resided on the bank of river and very often attacked by monsters. For that reason they discovered an innovative idea. To hold off monsters they began tattooing on their skin in black color.

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